about :: Barry Gottlieb

Posted on November 1, 2007

Barry GottliebBarry Gottlieb started his career as an educator, first as an elementary school teacher, then as a school principal, and finally as an instructor at both Santa Fe Community College and the University of Florida. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of Florida. Barry is founder and President of the Coaching the Winner’s Edge organization and coaching program. He has also built a $75 million international company from the ground up. He is both a life coach and a business coach with a successful practice offering counsel and guidance to both private individuals and corporations.

Barry is a former co-host of “The Success Show,” a one-hour talk-radio program that was broadcast in South Florida. He co-hosts a recently launched web TV program called “The Insight,” a weekly show that focuses on transformation and growth. Barry’s first book, “TGIT: Thank God It’s Today,” is available at Amazon and other booksellers. “TGIT” (pronounced “tig-it”) is a mantra of gratitude and appreciation for each and every day. Barry is also the author of “Brilliant on the Basics,” a forthcoming book that focuses on the best practices and principles of business. Barry’s mission is simply “to inspire and empower others to reach their full potential.”

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