
Posted on July 1, 2009

Winners develop the habit of doing the things that losers don’t like to do.” ~ Ed Foreman

Have you ever stopped to reflect on what makes a true champion or winner? How did they get there? What makes them so special? Are they born that way? Is it in their genes, or is it all learned skills? What separates them from the rest of the crowd?

If you look at the best teams in the world and the greatest individual champions, you will find that they have two strong characteristics that separate them from the average person or team.

The first thing that they all have in common is that they train on a consistent basis. Second, they have mastered the skill of pre-playing the desired outcome of events long before they actually perform them.

In a nutshell, these outstanding individuals and teams are brilliant on the basics. Whether it is Tiger Woods, the Los Angeles Lakers, a team of astronauts, or a Special Ops team like the Navy Seals; they all spend countless hours preparing, both physically and mentally, for the tasks that lie before them.

These same qualities are what make companies and individuals more successful. Yet recent studies indicate that up to 80% of companies in America do little or no training, other than product training, when a person first starts their job.

How about you? Whether you are working for a large corporation or you are a solo entrepreneur, what are you doing to become brilliant on the basics?

Think, Act, and Train Like a Winner

Action Steps

  • Start by making the choice to be the best you are capable of being
  • Create the winning habit of training on a consistent basis
  • Learn to visualize the outcome that you desire in your mind, and pre-play it over and over again until it becomes automatic
  • Study other winners and champions; learn how they mastered their skills
  • Remember that knowledge is only power when you use it
  • Focus on your most important tasks rather than the most urgent ones
  • Plan… One hour of planning saves ten hours of doing
  • Become a master of PSD, Positive Self Discipline, this is one of the key ingredients in making all of this happen

You must accept responsibility for you!

Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself


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