Your Core / Your Integrity

Posted on October 1, 2009

What is your vision for your life?

Having a clear picture of who you are and what you want is something that most of us don’t stop to think about. We start and end our days without giving much thought to whether or not we are on the path we should be on.

Most of us lead our lives without giving much thought to our true purpose or intentions. We end up trying to live the lives that the marketing and advertising companies misguide us into believing we should be living.

The end result is a society of people that are out of balance and out of touch with what really matters to them and to others. We spend so much time trying to be something and someone other than who we really are.

Setting goals regarding where you want to get in life or who you want to be is a good start. But, if you don’t begin with finding out who you are and where you are, it will be difficult for you to set a course for your desired outcome.

You must begin by looking inward to understand who you are, and what your core values and beliefs are. Only then will you be able to chart a course for the life you deserve.

Clarity of Purpose

Having a clear vision… Action Steps

  • Write down your core values and beliefs
  • Identify what you are passionate about
  • List your talents
  • Ask yourself if you are living a life that is consistent with these values, beliefs, passions, and talents
  • Create a picture in your mind of what you want, and who you want to be in your life
  • Make a “vision board” that reflects the vision that you have (If you don’t have one, Google “vision boards” for some examples)
  • Set clear goals that are consistent with your vision and your core values and beliefs
  • Use positive affirmations to support your vision… Remember, affirmations should be written in the first person, present tense
  • Acknowledge and be thankful for what you have… Create an attitude of gratitude
  • Take consistent action that moves you toward your vision

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